
Hidden treasure coverCOPTIC ICONS IN A NEW LIGHT
Narrative Series, 2011-2017, by Victor Asaad Fakhoury

Published by the Coptic Museum of Canada
Date of publication: November 2018
ISBN 978-0-9812726-3-4

Hidden treasure cover

Série narrative 2011-2017 de Victor Asaad Fakhoury

Traduction de l’anglais au français par Elisabeth Frecaut
Par Helene Moussa
Publication du Musée copte du Canada
Date de publication : Novembre 2018
ISBN: 978-0-9812726-3-4


Victor Asaad Fakhoury was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1960. He is a seasoned Coptic iconographer who worked several years under the tutelage of Dr. Isaac Fanous, Father of Neo-Coptic Iconographer (1919-2007).

Fakhoury’s contribution is unique in the field of Coptic iconography because he created not just one but a series of icons, in which he has made it his vocation to respond in the language of icons, to contemporary events in the life of the Church and Christians in Egypt, beginning with the popular uprising unleashed by the 25 January 2011 revolution. The Coptic Museum of Canada is fortunate to have acquired for its collection nine of the ten icons in the series

This catalogue reproduces the first ten icons in this series and interprets from the artist’s perspective the many layers of meaning the imagery he uses in each icon to communicate the spiritual message he seeks to convey. A video interview with Victor Fakhoury provides in his own voice what started him on this journey and his approach as a Coptic iconographer.

Price: $30.00 plus postage and handling.
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Victor Asaad Fakhoury est né au Caire en Égypte en 1960. Cet iconographe copte chevronné a travaillé pendant plusieurs années sous la direction du Dr Isaac Fanous, le père de l’iconographie néo-copte (1919-2007).

La contribution de Victor Fakhoury est unique dans le domaine de l’iconographie copte. Il créa non seulement une icône, mais toute une série d’icônes avec pour mission de répondre, dans le vocabulaire des icônes, à des événements contemporains dans la vie de l’Église copte et des chrétiens d’Égypte. Il débuta avec la révolte populaire du 25 janvier 2011. Le Musée copte du Canada a eu la chance d’acquérir dans sa collection neuf des dix icônes de cette série.

Le catalogue reproduit les dix premières icônes de cette série et présente les interprétations de l’artiste et les nombreux niveaux de signification de l’imagerie dont il se sert dans chaque icône pour transmettre le message spirituel qu’il veut communiquer. Et, grâce à une entrevue disponible sur vidéo, on peut écouter Victor Fakhoury expliquer de sa propre voix ce qui a déclenché en lui la création de cette série et suivre son approche en tant qu’iconographe copte.

Prix du catalogue : 30.00$ plus frais de port et d’embalage
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Explore St. Mark’s Coptic Museum (Ontario, Canada)

An Illustrated Introduction

Curated by Helene Moussa
Published by St. Mark’s Coptic Museum, Ontario, Canada
Date of publication: 2016
ISBN 978-0-9812726-2-7

Hidden treasure coverThis book is an invitation to explore, study and research St. Mark’s  Coptic Museum’s diverse collection of artefacts. The collection is introduced in fourteen sections, which are organized by genre of artefact: Biblical Paintings by Marguerite Nakhla; Clay Work & Sculpture; Coins; Crosses; Icons; Jewellery; Ecclesiastical Vestments; Metal Works; Paintings; Papyrus, Books, and Manuscripts; Stamps; Tapestries from the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Centre; Textiles and Woodwork. Each section opens with an introductory overview of the historical, cultural, and artistic significance of the artefacts in the Museum’s collection, and, where possible, the artists and authors are identified. Over 70 full-colour  photographs complement the text and bring to life the dynamic creativity of the Coptic cultural mosaic.

Price: $15.00 plus postage and handling.
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 Hidden Treasures – Canadian Coptic Visual Artists in Southern Ontario

Curated by: Helene Moussa and Sandy Saad
Date of Publication: 2011
Published by St. Mark’s Coptic Museum
ISBN: 978-0-982726

Hidden treasure cover

Catalogue of the first exhibition of Coptic artists in North America (2011). Includes essays on migration of Copts to Canada, the status of modern and contemporary art in Egypt, an art history analysis of the thirteen artists selected for this exhibition , as well as biographies of the artists with the images of their works. Sold at the Museum for $10.00 (plus postage and handling).

Price: $10.00 plus postage and handling.
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Marguerite Nakhla – Legacy to Modern Egyptian Art

nakhlaFlierBy: Fr. Marcos A, Marcos, Helee Moussa & Carolyn M. Ramzy
Published by St. Mark’s Coptic Museum: 2009
Printed by Printology Inc.
ISBN 978-0-9812726-0-3

Marguerite Nakhla was born in 1908 and passed away in 1977. She is considered one of the pioneers of the twentieth century Modern Egyptian Art Movement. In 1975 she was recognized as the leading Egyptian woman artist in the first half of that century. This book reproduces and discusses eighty of her works. Marguerite Nakhla’s legacy is that of an accomplished artist who   used her technical skills to create a compelling repertoire of paintings and icons.  ($30.00 plus postage and handling.)

Price: $30.00 plus postage and handling.
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Reflections on the Life and Works of Dr. Bedour Latif and Dr. Youssef Nassif

EnglishCover BookArabic Cover Book
Published by St. Mark’s Coptic Museum: 2013
Printed by Coptic Media

A sixteen page pamphlet honouring the life and works of Neo-Coptic Iconographers Bedour Latif and Youssef Nassif. The text is in English and Arabic and includes four icons and the Niche in St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church, Scarborough, Ontarrio . Drs Youssef and Bedour met and were married when they were students and have been writing icons and wall paintings since the early 1950s in churches in Egypt and the lands of immigration. Together with Dr. Isaac Fannous, Drs Bedour Latif and Youssef Nassif are the giants of Neo-Coptic Iconography.

Price: $4.00 plus postage and handling.
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